Weekly Events
Special Events
Friday Night Jarty
Jarties are one of the central components of the Jewish community. These relaxing, post-shabbat dinner hangouts at an upperclassmen’s house are a great way to hangout with friends, read THE SHTICK (JSA’s weekly newsletter), play games and enjoy Shabbat with the entire community.
Shabbat Kiddush
Whether you enjoy herring or not, Kiddush is the perfect opportunity to relax between davening and shabbat lunch with some great snacks (often including herring) and even better singing.
Melava Malka
Melava malkas are another great opportunity to hangout with friends and share some snacks and singing after Shabbat. Our melava malkas often also include playing darts, ping pong and mini-basketball in addition to some great food.
Love singing over some cholent and snacks? Make sure to join one of our Thursday night fabrengens or tisches to listen to Torah, sing with friends and get ready for Shabbat.
Trivia Night
A much anticipated annual event, trivia night is the chance to show your superior intellect! Compete for the rights to say you beat reigning champion Daniel Rothstein!
JSA Formal occurs at the end of every semester and is a great chance to dust off that suit, put on your fanciest gown, and spend the night with all your friends before heading home for break!
Annual Kickball Game
One of the longest traditions of the WashU Jewish community is our annual kickball game at Northmoor park. Sometimes competitive and always fun, it’s a great way to spend Shabbat afternoon!
Rosh Hashanah Meals
For the past few years, the JSA was able to organize Rosh Hashanah meals with the generous help of Chabad and Hillel. These meals were for anyone interested and hosted by various upperclassmen. Thanks to all of our generous hosts!
Bowling Outings
Our trip to Olivette lanes was a great way to spend Motzei Shabbat! Thanks to the 30+ people who came for bringing their A-game and showing off their skills. Make sure to check out @washu_jsa on instagram for highlights!
Simchat Torah Chagigah
Every year’s Simchat Torah chagigah is a great way to prepare for celebrating the holiday before heading over to Beis Abe for some dancing with the Torah.
Hanukkah Party
Filled with dreidels, gelt and latkes, the Hanukkah party is a great way to show off those Hanukkah sweaters and enjoy the holiday with all of your friends. Make sure to sign up for the JSA’s Mystery Maccabee!
Purim Seudah
Every year brings another opportunity to celebrate Purim with a great spiel, costumes and hamantashen. Make sure to start preparing now!